Is john travolta gay doug

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John Travolta is said to have had a long-term relationship with Doug Gotterba in the ‘80, before the actor's marriage to Kelly Preston in 1991 The tabloid then quotes Doug Gotterba’s ex-boyfriend Robert Britz in the article – who the pilot had a relationship with post-Travolta. She adds that she is still good friends with Doug Gotterba. Joan Edwards goes on to reveal that she knew Doug Gotterba – detailing how he started working for John Travolta, 58, in 1981. John Travolta’s one-time secretary Joan Edwards – who worked for the star from 1978 to 1994 – told the National Enquirer: “Of course I knew he was gay. The claims are made in the new issue of the National Enquirer – by Doug Gotterba’s ex-boyfriend and John Travolta’s former secretary.ĭoug Gotterba – now 60 – is not quoted in the article – but the publication claims he did confirm he worked for John Travolta “for six years in the 1980s”. John Travolta is said to have had a long-term relationship with Doug Gotterba in the ‘80, before the actor’s marriage to Kelly Preston in 1991.

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0 A new report has claimed that John Travolta had a six year gay affair with his pilot Doug Gotterba.

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